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Jun 20 2013

Parvovirus Outbreak in Massachusetts

There has been a release by the Department of Agriculture that an outbreak of Parvo is present in Northern Berkshire County and Worcester County.  The Parvo virus outbreak is currently NOT a problem in Watertown or the surrounding communities.  If your dog is up to date on the Parvo vaccine, which was included in the Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parainfluenza vaccine, then he/she is protected.  If you can not find your paperwork call us at 617-926-8888.  Newborns, young puppies that have not completed their series of vaccines, and adult dogs not current on the vaccine are most at risk.

Parvo virus is passed by oral exposure to contaminated feces.  Animals shed the virus before showing signs.  3-5 days post exposure the virus is in the blood with no signs.  It can incubate for 7-14 days before showing signs.  Signs of vomiting and diarrhea appear at 6-10 days post infection and can last 10 days.  If the disease is severe Parvo can be fatal.  Signs of bloody diarrhea should not be ignored.  There are lab tests to help diagnose the disease.  In warm weather the virus can live in the stool several months.  There may be a breed predilection in Rottweilers, Doberman, German Shepherds, and Pit Bulls.
